Italy vs Australia

Living in Italy vs Australia: Which is Best?

When you think of moving abroad, the idea of packing your bags and settling into a new culture is exhilarating.

Having lived in both Italy and Australia, I often get asked: “Which is better?”

It’s not a straightforward answer, as both countries offer something unique depending on what you’re looking for in life.

So, let’s explore the nuances of living in Italy vs Australia, and see if one truly stands out as the ideal place to call home.

Climate: Sunshine or Seasons?

Bondi Beach Australia

In Australia, particularly if you’re living along the coast in places like Sydney or Brisbane, the weather feels like an endless summer.

With long, sunny days, outdoor living becomes second nature – be it a weekend BBQ or hitting the beach after work.

The warmth is consistent, and for those who crave a laid-back, sun-drenched lifestyle, it’s paradise.

On the other hand, Italy is a country of four distinct seasons.

From the crisp air of autumn to the sweltering heat of a Roman summer, Italy offers more variation.

This brings a certain romance to life, especially in the northern regions where winters can mean snow-covered landscapes.

I recall the beauty of Tuscany in spring when everything blossoms, making the countryside feel like something out of a painting.

Personally, I found the variety in Italy refreshing, but if you’re someone who craves constant sunshine, Australia might win this round.

Cost of Living: Wallet-Friendly or Pricier?

Young Man Short of Money

Australia, particularly its major cities, is known for being on the pricier side.

Sydney and Melbourne can easily compete with other global metropolises when it comes to rent and the general cost of living.

I remember my shock at paying for groceries during my first month in Sydney; everything felt a little more expensive compared to Europe.

That said, wages in Australia are generally higher, so you can offset some of those costs if you’re working locally.

Italy, by contrast, offers a more affordable lifestyle in many areas, particularly outside of major cities like Rome or Milan.

Rent and food costs are notably lower, and you can get by on a more modest income.

However, the job market can be more challenging, and wages tend to be lower.

I found that life in Italy allowed for a slower, more affordable pace, especially if you’re living in smaller towns where expenses are more manageable.

Culture and Community: Tradition vs Diversity

Italians Enjoying Coffee

Italian culture is rich, steeped in history, art, and culinary traditions that date back centuries.

Each region has its own identity, and the sense of community can be incredibly strong.

I loved how in Italy, locals would sit in the piazza for hours, sipping coffee, chatting, and watching the world go by.

There’s a charm in this slow, intentional living, and family remains at the heart of everything.

Australia, by contrast, is a multicultural melting pot, with people from all over the world coming together.

This diversity makes the culture dynamic and ever-changing.

You’ll find cuisines from every corner of the globe, and the overall vibe is more laid-back and informal compared to Italy’s deep-rooted traditions.

Australians are known for their friendliness and “no worries” attitude, which can make settling in feel easier, especially if you’re a newcomer.

Both offer rich cultural experiences, but if you’re after a more traditional, family-cantered lifestyle, Italy might call to you.

If you thrive in a diverse, casual, and forward-thinking environment, Australia may be the better fit.

Work-Life Balance: Career Focus or Life Enjoyment?

Hiking in Australia

Australia is known for its strong work-life balance.

With a general focus on leisure time, Australians prioritise outdoor activities, relaxation, and socialising.

Work hours are usually reasonable, and the weekends are sacred.

I found that the Australian lifestyle encouraged me to take a step back from work and really enjoy my surroundings, whether that meant going to the beach or hiking in a national park.

Italy, on the other hand, is more complex.

While Italians do value leisure, with long lunches and extended holidays, the job market can be tricky to navigate.

Jobs aren’t as plentiful, especially for non-Italians, and when you do find work, the hours can be long.

However, there’s a deep appreciation for life’s pleasures – whether it’s a beautifully cooked meal or a walk through the countryside.

Work is important, but enjoying life is often considered just as, if not more, vital.

In my experience, Australia has a better structure for maintaining work-life balance, whereas Italy shines when it comes to truly savoring life outside of work.

Ready to Move?

Packing to Move Abroad

If you’re considering a move, the decision between Italy and Australia often boils down to lifestyle preferences.

Are you someone who loves soaking up the sun and embracing a more modern, multicultural way of living?

Then Australia might be your ideal destination.

On the other hand, if you’re drawn to the history, culture, and timeless beauty of Italy, you may find your heart leaning towards the Mediterranean.

One important aspect of making such a significant move is ensuring you’re prepared logistically.

If you’ve got your eye on living down under, for example, you’ll want to consider an experienced moving company that specialises in removals to Australia to help with the transition.

The process of relocating can feel overwhelming, but with the right support, you’ll be ready to embark on your new adventure.


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when comparing life in Italy to life in Australia.

Both countries offer exceptional experiences but in entirely different ways.

Italy calls to those who appreciate tradition, history, and a slower pace of life. Australia, meanwhile, is perfect for those seeking adventure, diversity, and an outdoor lifestyle.

For me, the choice comes down to where you feel most at home.

While I’ve cherished the richness of Italy, Australia’s sunny, easy-going vibe is hard to resist.

Ultimately, the best place to live is where you find joy, whether that’s sipping espresso in an Italian piazza or catching a wave on an Australian beach.